You can remove New Antivirus 2010 and Antivirus Suite with VIPRE. Click here to download a free 30-day trial of VIPRE to remove these pests from your PC now.
GFI Labs which is part of the GFI security family (http://www.gfi.com/) is hosting this site to help Internet users identify and remove rogue security software and other malware from infected computers. This website is not intended to promote or advertise malicious software.
Since having Vipre our computer system has been kept up to date. Before using Vipre we had another program that we ran daily. On first run of Vipre it found over 3000 virus,trojans,etc. We now only use Vipre and have it running daily. This is a great addition for anyones sytem. We also use it at our place of business and it has not let us down once,